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Help Center

Any basic questions you want to ask? Need help on something? Check our FaQ to get started in our server.

What's this server for?

Winter lounge is a community/social server to meet new people and have fun talking. We provide bots and rewards you keep you entertained in our server! Our Moderators will be here to ensure security and respect as toxicity isn't allowed here.

I want to become a Staff member/ Partnership Manager/ Event manager where do I go to sign up? 

Go to the "staff application" page and then you can take a quick question then it will be checked by the owner or the co owner and he will decide if you qualify for the role!

What rewards do I get for chatting in channels?

You can earn many rewards and if you message up to 2700 messages a week then big rewards such as server spotlight, auto post and role will be given to you!

I can't send images or files, why?

There are different ways to get the permission of posting images and files:- By boosting our server.- By being active and reach level 5.
This advantage will be given automatically.

What did I do if a staff member mistreats me and I have proof? 

DM an admin or the owner/co owner with you proof and we will handle it accordingly

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